"Infanzia Music" under the Association was invited by the Ministry of Education of Chengdu Municipality to participate in the Music Festival and won the Five-Yu Award in April 2019! We received a certificate of appreciation from the Chengdu government to our president Ms. Chrysoberyl Chan Hoi Yan 2 days ago! Thanks so much! We hope that the government will continue to work hard to promote music and art education and broaden the world view and vision for students!
今年四月中,本會轄下之「悅.樂」樂團受成都政府教育部的邀請參加"第九屆 中華文化小大使 文化藝術展示活動"之嘉賓,並獲五岳獎!
P.s 附上四月時,INFANZIA MUSIC擔任成都"第九屆 中華文化小大使 文化藝術展示活動"嘉賓的花絮。